Exascale-era data challenges in Physics & Astronomy


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  • uploaded March 9, 2023

NFDI Physcial Sciences Joint Colloquium

In High Energy and Nuclear Physics domains, the currently planned future accelerator projects will bring Exascale data challenges.  High-Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) in particular is developing a next generation data infrastructure capable of reliably managing and delivering multi-Exabyte data sets to heterogenous computing and analysis facilities.  This so-called "Data Lake" is also being developed within the ESCAPE project as a common data infrastructure for other astronomy, astro-particle and nuclear physics domains.  In this talk I will give an overview of the strategy of HL-LHC, the collaborative work in ESCAPE, and I will mention future prospects as we look forward to the European Open Science Cloud where there are further opportunities for collaborative development of such data infrastructures in the support of Open Science and FAIR data.

Categories: Particle Physics
Date of recording: 2023-03-02

Ian Bird

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