Optimization of CoREAS simulations for the GRAND project


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  • uploaded July 6, 2021

Discussion timeslot (ZOOM-Meeting): 16. July 2021 - 18:00
ZOOM-Meeting URL: https://icrc2021.desy.de/pf_access_abstracts
Corresponding Session: https://icrc2021-venue.desy.de/channel/Presenter-Forum-1-Evening-All-Categories/48
"Abstract: A planned array of 200,000 antennas covering an area of 200,000 km$^{2}$ - the GRAND project - is proposed to detect cosmic-ray,gamma-ray, and neutrino primaries in the energy range beyond $10^{17}$eV. The GRAND array will be able to detect upward-going air showers initiated by neutrino interactions in the rocks on its mountainous site, furthermore, it may also detect very inclined and atmosphere-skimming air showers initiated by cosmic rays. So the corresponding shower geometry differs from the other experiments and asks for a detailed investigation. To meet the requirements of GRAND, we develop an update of CORSIKA7 for the simulation of upward-going air showers. Furthermore, we apply today's best knowledge of parameters of the GRAND project, in particular realistic on-site atmospheres, in an extensive library of inclined air showers. Finally, we evaluate expected signal-to-noise ratios and detection thresholds for the GrandProto300 phase of GRAND."

Authors: Chao Zhang | Tim Huege | Tanguy Pierog for the GRAND collaboration
Collaboration: GRAND

Indico-ID: 973
Proceeding URL: https://pos.sissa.it/395/248


Chao Zhang

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