Preliminary Cosmic Ray Results from the HAWC's Eye Telescopes


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  • uploaded July 7, 2021

Discussion timeslot (ZOOM-Meeting): 14. July 2021 - 12:00
ZOOM-Meeting URL:
ZOOM-Meeting ID: 92210078166
ZOOM-Meeting Passcode: ICRC2021
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"The compact imaging air-Cherenkov telescope HAWC’s Eye was developed to operate together with the High-Altitude Water Cherenkov Gamma-Ray Observatory (HAWC). The combination of both detection techniques in a hybrid setup provides a significant improvement in energy and angular resolution, aiming for improved measurements of the cosmic ray composition above 10 TeV and contributing to the physics program of the observatory. Preliminary results of the first hybrid measurements of the cosmic ray spectrum are presented. A second HAWC's Eye telescope was successfully commissioned at the HAWC site in 2019. Two measurement nights since then recorded the data used in this analysis. The HAWC's Eye events were successfully synchronized with HAWC and further used to characterize the hybrid system. A complete simulation of the hybrid configuration was used to develop algorithms to reconstruct the energy and arrival direction of proton-induced air showers. Those algorithms were successfully applied to the measured cosmic ray events to analyze the improved performance of the hybrid detection. The spectrum reconstructed with HAWC's Eye is compatible with the spectrum reconstructed solely from the coincident HAWC data."

Authors: Florian Rehbein
Co-Authors: Giang Do | Maria Magdalena Gonzalez | Ruben Alfaro | Thomas Bretz | Arturo Iriarte | Yunior Perez | Francisco Javier Gonzalez | Frank Maslowski | Merlin Schaufel | José Serna-Franco | Franziska Tischbein | Ibrahim Torres | Jesus Martinez-Castro | Oscar Chaparro-Amaro | Miguel Martinez-Felipe
Collaboration: HAWCHAWC's Eye Project

Indico-ID: 1355
Proceeding URL:


Florian Rehbein

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