Trinity: an imaging air Cherenkov telescope to search for Ultra-High-Energy neutrinos.


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  • uploaded July 13, 2021

Discussion timeslot (ZOOM-Meeting): 14. July 2021 - 18:00
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ZOOM-Meeting ID: 91999581729
ZOOM-Meeting Passcode: ICRC2021
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Earth-skimming neutrinos are those which travel through the Earth’s crust at a shallow angle. For Ultra-High-Energy (E$_nu$ larger 1 PeV, UHE) earth-skimming tau neutrinos, there is a high-probability that the tau particle created by a neutrino-Earth interaction will emerge from the ground before it decays. When this happens, the decaying tau particle initiates an air shower of relativistic sub-atomic particles which emit Cherenkov radiation. To observe this Cherenkov radiation, we propose the Trinity experiment. rnrnTrinity will consist of a network of dedicated imaging air Cherenkov telescopes that will observe the horizon searching for these tau-induced air showers. Using a novel optics design, individual Trinity telescopes will have a 60 degrees wide field of view, a spherical primary mirror, a curved camera focal plane housing 3300 SiPM pixels and will be sensitive to neutrinos in the 1 PeV to $10^4$ PeV energy range. The expected sensitivity fills the gaps between that of IceCube and that expected from radio UHE detectors such as GRAND. Trinity will provide critical measurements to study flavor physics and neutrino cross-sections at energies that are out of reach for accelerators. In this contribution, we present the present design of Trinity and discuss its performance.'

Authors: Anthony Brown
Co-Authors: Nepomuk Otte | Igancio Taboada | Michele Doro | Mose Mariotti | Dave Keida | R. Wayne Springer | Eliza Gazda | Oscar Romero Matamala | Mahdi Bagheri | Lauren Stewart
Collaboration: Trinity

Indico-ID: 83
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Anthony Brown

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