Calibration system of EAS Cherenkov arrays using commercial drone helicopter.


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  • uploaded July 7, 2021

Discussion timeslot (ZOOM-Meeting): 16. July 2021 - 18:00
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'EAS Cherenkov arrays are a powerful instrument for studies of primary cosmic rays in a wide range of energy. In this approach the Earth’s atmosphere is used as a calorimeter providing EAS Cherenkov arrays high energy resolution. Another advantage of the method is its high time resolution which results in a good angular resolution. Usually EAS Cherenkov array is a sparsely instrumented array with a distance of 100 m (or more) between individual Cherenkov photon detectors (optical stations/modules) covering hundreds of square meters or a few thousands of square kilometers. So, to calibrate such arrays is not simple task. We developed a calibration system of EAS Cherenkov arrays based on a single fast light source on board of remotely controlled commercial drone helicopter. The light source is based on a single high power blue InGaN LED driven by avalanche transistors driver. The light source provides light pulses with 2-3 ns (FWHM) width and 10^10-10^11 photons per pulse. Preliminary results of test flights of the calibration system are presented.'

Authors: Dmitry Voronin | Almaz Fazliakhmetov
Indico-ID: 1273
Proceeding URL:


Almaz Fazliakhmetov

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