First neutrino oscillation measurement in KM3NeT/ORCA
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- uploaded July 4, 2021
Discussion timeslot (ZOOM-Meeting): 16. July 2021 - 18:00
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'KM3NeT is a Cubic Kilometer Neutrino Telescope that is currently being constructed at the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea. The KM3NeT/ORCA detector will be used for oscillation physics with atmospheric neutrinos, with as main goal establishing the neutrino mass ordering.rnrnIn 2019, 4 out of the total of 115 vertical lines carrying the light sensors of the ORCA detector had been deployed, while 6 are operational from early 2020.rnrnWith this partial detector configuration, neutrino oscillations can already be observed. Neutrino flavor oscillations depend on the energy the neutrino carries and the distance it travelled. The distance the atmospheric neutrino travelled can be probed by using the incoming angle in the detector. By measuring the number of events as function of incoming angle and energy in the detector one has a proxy for finding the oscillation parameters.rnrnDue to multiple background channels, of which atmospheric muons are the largest component, on average three in every one million triggered events comes from a neutrino interacting in the sea water. This contribution focuses on extracting the neutrino signal from the data, results from data/MC comparisons, and how to determine the oscillation parameters $theta_{23}$ and $Delta m_{31}^2$ by fitting an oscillation model and estimating the associated systematic uncertainties that have to be taken into account.'
Authors: Lodewijk Nauta | For the KM3NeT collaboration
Co-Authors: Zineb Aly | Valentin Pestel | Paul De Jong
Collaboration: KM3NeT
Indico-ID: 536
Proceeding URL:
Lodewijk Nauta