Sensitivity of a radio array embedded in a deep Gen2-like optical array.


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  • uploaded July 7, 2021

Discussion timeslot (ZOOM-Meeting): 14. July 2021 - 12:00
ZOOM-Meeting URL:
ZOOM-Meeting ID: 91999581729
ZOOM-Meeting Passcode: ICRC2021
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'Constraining the high energy neutrino flux has been a challenge for decades. IceCube has discovered an astrophysical flux up to 10 PeV and is now planning a large extension with IceCube-Gen2, including an optical array and a large radio array at shallow depth. Neutrino searches for energies larger 100PeV are best done with such shallow radio detectors like Askaryan Radio Array (ARA) or similar (buried as deep as 200 meters below the surface) as the radio signal has km-length attenuation lengths and the sensors are cheaper to deploy. This poster explores the potential of opportunistically burying radio antennas within the planned IceCube-Gen2 detector volume (between 1400 meters and 2600 meters below the surface) on the Gen 2 strings to bridge the sensitive energy gap between IceCube optical and shallow neutrino searches. A hybrid detection of events in optical and radio could substantially improve the uncertainty of neutrino cascade direction as radio signals do not scatter in ice. We show the first results of simulating neutrinos from an astrophysical and a cosmogenic flux interacting with 5880 ARA-style vertically polarized radio antennas distributed evenly across 98 strings in the Gen2 sunflower geometry using the PyREx radio simulation package. Standalone radio and hybrid event rates will be presented.'

Authors: Abby Bishop | Lu Lu | Albrecht Karle | Ben Hokanson-Fasig
Collaboration: IceCube-Gen2

Indico-ID: 467
Proceeding URL:


Abby Bishop

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