Neutrino direction and flavor reconstruction from radio detector data using deep convolutional neural networks
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- uploaded July 4, 2021
Discussion timeslot (ZOOM-Meeting): 14. July 2021 - 12:00
ZOOM-Meeting URL:
ZOOM-Meeting ID: 91999581729
ZOOM-Meeting Passcode: ICRC2021
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'With the construction of RNO-G and plans for IceCube-Gen2, neutrino astronomy at EeV energies is at the horizon for the next years. Here, we determine the neutrino pointing capabilities and explore the sensitivity to the neutrino flavor for an array of shallow radio detector stations. The usage of deep learning for event reconstruction is enabled through recent advances in simulation codes that allow the simulation of realistic training data sets. A large dataset of expected radio signals for a broad range of neutrino energies between 100 PeV and 10 EeV is simulated using NuRadioMC. A deep neural network is trained on this low-level data and we find a direction resolution of a few degrees for all triggered events. We present the model architecture, how we optimized the model, and how robust the model is against systematic uncertainties. Furthermore, we explore the capabilities of a radio neutrino detector to determine the flavor id.'
Authors: Sigfrid Stjärnholm | Oscar Ericsson | Christian Glaser
Indico-ID: 648
Proceeding URL:
Sigfrid Stjärnholm
Additional files
- » Executive summary - ICRC 2021 - Neutrino direction and flavor reconstruction from radio detector data using deep convolutional neural networks.pdf
- » Flash Talk - ICRC 2021 - Neutrino direction and flavor reconstruction from radio detector data using deep convolutional neural networks.pdf
- » Poster - ICRC 2021 - Neutrino direction and flavor reconstruction from radio detector data using deep convolutional neural networks.pdf