New coordinate-tracking detector on drift chambers for registration of muons in near-vertical EAS


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  • uploaded July 6, 2021

Discussion timeslot (ZOOM-Meeting): 21. July 2021 - 12:00
ZOOM-Meeting URL:
ZOOM-Meeting ID: 92210078166
ZOOM-Meeting Passcode: ICRC2021
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'The new coordinate-tracking detector was developed in the Experimental complex NEVOD, MEPhI for the study of near-vertical extensive air showers. The installation consists of two planes of drift chambers, 7 chambers in each, and has an effective area of 13 m^2. The registration system of the new detector gets trigger from scintillator counters and uses the TDC that has been specially designed for this detector. It is based on FPGA Altera Cyclone V and has GPS synchronization with the joint triggering system of the experimental complex. Time synchronization allows to investigate extensive air showers in joint operation with a classical EAS setup of 10000 m^2 area and Cherenkov water detector of 2000 m^3 volume. A deep learning approach is used to reconstruct multi-muon events. The poster presents the design of the detector and first experimental results including joint events with the NEVOD-EAS setup.'

Authors: Vladislav Vorobev
Indico-ID: 1453
Proceeding URL:


Vladislav Vorobev

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