Outreach, Education and Communication Initiatives of the CTA Observatory


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  • uploaded July 7, 2021


The Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory (CTAO) will be the first ground-based gamma-ray observatory to explore the extreme Universe, which will be open to all scientific communities as a resource for very high-energy astronomical data. CTAO will have two sites, with two telescope arrays covering the entire gamma-ray sky: one in the northern hemisphere at the Roque de los Muchachos Observatory (La Palma, Spain) and one in the southern hemisphere near the Paranal Observatory (Atacama Desert, Chile). Here, we present some of the Outreach, Education and Communication programmes carried out internationally.
We present the educational material to bring the exotic gamma-ray Universe into the classroom, as well as the “Physicists On-Call” program that put in contact educational centres and astronomical associations with CTA experts around the world. Moreover, we will delve into the Astrodiversity project, whose goal is to create and support initiatives within the inclusion and diversity framework and that includes the annual event “Women of CTA” and a handbook of good practices to make colour-blind friendly material. Finally, we discuss the latest online initiatives that include open seminar series for researchers and general public, and the CTAO series of films to explore the science, technology, sites and people behind the construction of the largest, most powerful gamma-ray observatory on the planet.


Authors: Alba Fernández-Barral (Presenter) and Megan Grunewald for the CTA Observatory
Collaboration: CTA Observatory (CTAO)

Indico-ID: 569
Proceeding URL: https://pos.sissa.it/395/1377


Alba Fernández-Barral

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