Science Fair: The Einstein Telescope – the next-generation gravitational wave observatory
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- uploaded July 6, 2021
Discussion timeslot (ZOOM-Meeting): 16. July 2021 - 18:00
ZOOM-Meeting URL:
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'Based on the success of the current generation of gravitational wave detectors, we are planning the construction of a new observatory with 10-fold sensitivity and an extended frequency range. It is called the Einstein Telescope. It is a new research infrastructure designed to observe the entire Universe using gravitational waves. ET will be a multi-interferometer observatory covering the whole gravitational wave spectrum observable from Earth. It will achieve a greatly improved sensitivity by increasing the size of the interferometer from the 3km arm length of the Virgo detector to 10km and by implementing a series of new technologies. These include a cryogenic system to cool some of the main optics to 10 – 20K, new quantum technologies to reduce the fluctuations of the light, and a set of infrastructural and active noise-mitigation measures to reduce environmental perturbations.rnPlease visit us, to discuss about the science and technologies of the project.'
Authors: Achim Stahl | Harald Lück
Collaboration: Einstein Telescope
Indico-ID: 1495
Harald Lück