FIT: the scintillating fiber tracker of the HERD space mission


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  • uploaded July 7, 2021

Discussion timeslot (ZOOM-Meeting): 16. July 2021 - 18:00
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'The High Energy cosmic-Radiation Detection (HERD) facility is a space payload proposed to be installed onboard the China’s Space Station (CSS). The aim of HERD is the direct detection of cosmic rays towards the “knee” of the spectrum (~ 1 PeV) and the monitoring of the gamma ray sky up to 1 TeV. The HERD core is a calorimeter capable of accepting particles incident on its top and four lateral sides, each equipped with a sector of the scintillating fiber tracker: FIT. The top sector hosts 5 tracking planes while a side sector hosts 9 tracking planes. Each tracking plane is made of 16 modules. The module, composed of a fiber mat and 3 arrays of SiPMs, is the elementary brick of FIT. Several FIT modules have been built and tested with particle beams at CERN. A FIT prototype, made of two partially instrumented tracking planes, has been assembled and sent through vibrational and thermal-vacuum space qualification tests. The results of all the tests as well as the detailed design of FIT will be presented in this contribution.'

Authors: Chiara Perrina | For the HERD Collaboration
Collaboration: HERD

Indico-ID: 642
Proceeding URL:


Chiara Perrina

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