New Data from the ISʘIS instrument Suite on Parker Solar Probe


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  • uploaded July 5, 2021

Discussion timeslot (ZOOM-Meeting): 16. July 2021 - 18:00
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'NASA’s Parker Solar Probe (PSP) mission’s first eight orbits include perihelia as close as ~11 million km (~16 solar radii), much closer to the Sun than any prior human-made object. Onboard PSP, the Integrated Science Investigation of the Sun (ISʘIS) instrument suite makes groundbreaking measurements of solar energetic particles (SEPs). Here we discuss the near-Sun energetic particle radiation environment over PSP’s first two and a half years, which reveal where and how energetic particles are energized and transported. We find a great variety of energetic particle events accelerated both locally and remotely. These include co-rotating interaction regions (CIRs), “impulsive” SEP events driven by acceleration near the Sun, and events related to Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs). These ISʘIS observations made so close to the Sun provide critical information for investigating the near-Sun transport and energization of solar energetic particles, which has been difficult to resolve from prior observations. The Parker Solar Probe ISʘIS data are made public soon after the receipt at Earth (which can be many months after the observations). We will also discuss how to get access to the data.'

Authors: Eric Christian | David McComas | Christina Cohen | Alan Cummings | Andrew Davis | Mihir Desai | Georgia A. de Nolfo | J. Giacalone | M.E. Hill | C.J. Joyce | A.W. Labrador | R.A. Leske | W.H. Matthaeus | R.L. McNutt Jr. | R.A. Mewaldt | D.G. MItchell | J. Grant Mitchell | J.S. Rankin | E.C. Roelof | N.A. Schwadron | E.C. Stone | J.R. Szalay | M.E. Wiedenbeck
Indico-ID: 1217
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Eric Christian

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