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  • uploaded July 6, 2021

Executive Summary

  • ● What is this contribution about?
  • Developmenet of a non-sequential ray-tracing C++ library, ROBAST
  • ● Why is it relevant / interesting?
  • It is useful for simulating cosmic-ray and gamma-ray telescopes and their development. Currently it is widely used in several projects.
  • ● What have we done?
  • New functionality to simulate multilayer coating has been added in ROBAST 3. Mirror and simulations, and SiPM simulations will be more realistic.
  • ● What is the result?
  • See 3D geometry figures and multilayer calculation plots in the proceedings paper.


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Talk Details


ROOT-Based Simulator for Ray Tracing (ROBAST) is an open source library designed to simulate complex optical systems used in Cherenkov and fluorescence telescopes. It has been used for the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) more than 10 years to simulate hexagonal light concentrators and parabolic, Davies–Cotton, and Schwarzschild–Couder optical systems. In addition to CTA, ROBAST is also used in design study of future cosmic-ray telescope projects. The latest major revision, ROBAST 3, is able to simulate multilayer interference on optical components. Thus more detailed detector properties such as reflection on silicon photomultipliers, and UV-enhanced or IR-cut coating can be simulated. We report the current development status and the new functionality of ROBAST 3, and a few applications will be presented. Items to be shown are updates from our ROBAST 2 talk presented at ICRC2015.

Projects using ROBAST

  • ● The Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA)
    • ○ Large-Sized Telescopes (LST)
    • ○ Davies–Cotton Medium-Sized Telescopes (MST)
    • ○ Schwarzschild–Couder Medium-Sized Telescopes (SCT)
    • ○ Small-Sized Telescopes (SST)
  • ● Trinity (MACHETE like system)
  • ● CRAFFT (Frasnel lens system) (Slide 6 in this talk)
  • ● NICHE
  • ● Some SiPM studies in MAGIC

Akira Okumura

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