Simulation of Solar Neutron Flux in the Earth's Atmosphere


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  • uploaded July 5, 2021

Discussion timeslot (ZOOM-Meeting): 15. July 2021 - 12:00
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ZOOM-Meeting ID: 96969970711
ZOOM-Meeting Passcode: ICRC2021
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We studied the evolution of the solar neutron flux in the Earth’s atmosphere. Simulations based on the CORSIKA and FLUKA codes were performed for this purpose. We analyzed the neutron (n) emission of three flares (X17, M3.9 and X1.3), observed by the Solar Neutron Telescope at Sierra Negra (SNT-SN) and the FIB scintillator of the Space Environment Data Acquisition-Attached Payload (FIB SEDA-AP) on board of the International Space Station (ISS). As Solar Cosmic Rays (SCR), solar neutrons are able to produce air showers in the Earth’s atmosphere, we focused our analysis on the hadronic component to study the secondary n into the total n flux. Our results are consistent with observational data.'

Authors: Fernando Monterde Andrade | Luis Xavier González Méndez
Co-Authors: Bertha Jania Newton Bosch | Sebastian Perea Contreras | José Francisco Valdés Galicia | Oscar Gustavo Morales Olivares | Yasushi Muraki | Yutaka Matsubara | Kyoko Watanabe | Takashi Sako
Indico-ID: 1045
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Fernando Monterde Andrade

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