Coincident neutrino and gamma-ray emission from blazars
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- uploaded July 7, 2021
Discussion timeslot (ZOOM-Meeting): 16. July 2021 - 18:00
ZOOM-Meeting URL:
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'Active galactic nuclei (AGN), and the accompanied AGN jets, are some ofrnthe most fascinating and luminous objects in the observable Universe.rnBoth the active cores and their jets are candidates for the engine ofrncosmic rays, gamma rays, and neutrinos with the highest energies measured at Earth.rnA deep understanding of the processes related to jets will not onlyrnfuel the field of high energy cosmic rays, but will also give insights inrnfundamental plasma, astro, and particle physics. The physical andrnmathematical modeling of an AGN jet is challenging, with ambiguousrnsignatures that need to be understood by numerical simulations ofrncosmic ray transport and interactions. Based on the work of Hoerbe et al.rn(MNRAS 2020), a simulation framework for hadronic constituents andrntheir interactions inside of a plasmoid, propagating along the AGN jetrnaxis, was made. The final goal of the simulation is to givernpredictions in the context of multimessenger astrophysics. This talk will presentrnthe first results, discuss the question of diffusivity of the particles and examine the scenario, where neutrino and gamma-ray flares coincide.'
Authors: Marcel Schroller
Co-Authors: Julia Becker Tjus | Patrick Reichherzer | Ilja Jaroschewski | Mario Hörbe | Wolfgang Rhode
Indico-ID: 166
Proceeding URL:
Marcel Schroller