Probing the particle acceleration at trans-relativistic shocks with gamma-ray burst afterglows


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  • uploaded July 9, 2021

Discussion timeslot (ZOOM-Meeting): 16. July 2021 - 12:00
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ZOOM-Meeting ID: 91896950007
ZOOM-Meeting Passcode: ICRC2021
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'The detail of the particle acceleration at trans-relativistic shocks is still under debate. We propose a way to probe the particle acceleration at trans-relativistic shocks with observations of gamma-ray burst (GRB) afterglows. In the afterglow phase, the shock wave launched in a GRB is gradually decelerated from the relativistic to non-relativistic regimes by sweeping up the ambient interstellar matter. If the electron power-law index depends on the shock Lorentz factor, it is reflected to the evolution of the afterglow spectrum. rnWe theoretically study the time evolution of the electron power-law index imprinted in GRB afterglow spectra. We introduce a particle acceleration model by a trans-relativistic shock into the standard GRB afterglow model and apply the formulation to structured jet models that are consistent with GRB 170817A, which is the counterpart of the neutron-star merger detected by the gravitational wave signal, GW170817. rnAs a result, we find that it is possible to observe the transition of the electron acceleration from the relativistic phase to the non-relativistic phase in the evolution of the afterglow spectrum, if GRBs similar to GRB 170817A take place in a dense environment at 200 Mpc. rnThe detection number of short GRBs will increase in the era of the multi-messenger astronomy including gravitational waves. Thus, we expect that future GRBs can give a constraint on particle acceleration models as proposed in our study. In the presentation, we will discuss the detail of our model and results.'

Authors: Kazuya Takahashi | Kunihito Ioka | Yutaka Ohira | Hendrik van Eerten
Indico-ID: 1121
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Kazuya Takahashi

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